Darina Jabr - souqbawa

Palestinian, B. 1999

Darina Jabr

Darina Jabr, a Palestinian visual artist and designer from Jerusalem. She studied at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Visual Communications, with a specialisation in graphic design, shaping her distinctive style. Delving into local social dynamics and human relationships, she takes an anthropological approach, observing her surroundings and experimenting with various media and textures, including animation. Drawing inspiration from everyday life in Jerusalem, her work addresses social challenges and political tragedies. Through exaggerated characters, intricate details, and vibrant colors, she communicates her views, ensuring accessibility and connection with her audience.

3 products
dinner party - souqbawa dinner party - souqbawa
Darina Jabrdinner party
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
oops! - souqbawa oops! - souqbawa
Darina Jabroops!
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
the second heart - souqbawa the second heart - souqbawa
Darina Jabrthe second heart
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
Second-Hand Smoke - souqbawa

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