Sara Ahmed - souqbawa

UAE, B. 1991

Sarah Ahmed

Sarah Ahmed is a Networking & Security graduate, and a creative based in Abu Dhabi. She is the founder of Jaffat El Aqlam, co-founder of 7ijra Waraqa Miqas and AlReesha Studio Resident. You can find her urging every single person she ever meets to make zines, which she eventually heart-warmly adds to her collection. When she's not stressing out about meeting self-made deadlines, she experiments with different mediums of art, film photography, glitch art, sends postcards to strangers and publishes zines.

4 products
Did the moon hear your call? - souqbawa Did the moon hear your call? - souqbawa
Creature of Habit - souqbawa Creature of Habit - souqbawa
Sarah AhmedCreature of Habit
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
تعالي - souqbawa تعالي - souqbawa
Sarah Ahmedتعالي
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
هناكٌ دائم - souqbawa هناكٌ دائم - souqbawa
Sarah Ahmedهناكٌ دائم
Sale priceFrom 9.000 KD
Second-Hand Smoke - souqbawa

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